Adore Floors
Our Projects
About Us
Adore Floors, a leading manufacturer of luxury vinyl and resilient flooring, combines innovative technology, superior quality and creative design in the development, manufacturing, delivery and support of high quality flooring for commercial and residential use. Adore's commitment to our customers, the flooring industry and the global community at large is built upon a generation of manufacturing experience. Innovation permeates every aspect o Adore's organization and stems from ongoing research and development efforts. As the first to introduce microbiostat technologies to our flooring surfaces, the first to reinforce wear layers with MicroCeramic™ and a leader in environmental manufacturing practices... Adore engineers our floors to out perform the market in quality, endurance, features and style, since 1979. Innovation. It’s in our DNA.
5 Dubon Court, Farmingdale, NY 11735
Provides services nationwide