9 Top Sustainable Healthcare Design and Healthcare Architecture Pictures & Ideas


Healthcare | Top Sustainable Products & Project Ideas

Browse sustainable products and healthcare design project photos from top commercial pros and brands on Mortarr + ecomedes. View images to gather details from the project, including contributing professionals and products featured in the space. Save your favorites to share or reference later with your design and project teams. Find healthcare interior design, hospital design, healthcare architecture ideas and more.


Sustainable healthcare design can reduce environmental impact while also improving facilities' performance. By focusing on details such as building orientation, sustainably-sourced materials, better water systems, and increased daylighting, architects and designers can design hospitals that are mindful of the environment.


COVID-19 took the world by storm, and the healthcare industry was at the forefront. Healthcare professionals were forced to navigate themselves blindly through the global pandemic; that’s why how we design moving forward matters more now than ever. Infection control teams are now heavily assisting planning and design teams, giving them the expert advice that they need. Increasing the number of isolation rooms for a surge in cases, using non-porous finishes and materials to reduce contamination, and re-thinking the waiting rooms and check-in process to decrease face-to-face interaction are all top priorities in transforming today’s healthcare design.


A visit to the hospital often causes high levels of stress and anxiety for many patients. Designing to decrease these anxieties is just as important as creating a sterile environment or buying the latest medicinal technology. Resimercial design is defined as integrating home-like elements into commercial spaces- in this case, healthcare design. Examples of this homey trend are incorporating warm lighting, natural-looking wood floors, and luxury furniture. When a patient may have to spend weeks on end in a hospital, they deserve to feel comfortable and at home. To sum it up, resimercial design is all about incorporating residential-like features, all while upholding the safety, durability and quality of commercial products. 


Healthcare architecture and design is shifting its focus from strictly patient health, to patient care and empathy. Human connections are being valued more and more in the modern design industry. A long-term patient’s room could include features like a cozy fireplace, residential-style furniture and even a bed-side music player for their smartphone. Just as much focus is on the patient, the same amount, if not more, is on the patient’s family. Providing multi-functional areas for privacy, relaxation, family gatherings, and meetings with the patient’s physicians can alleviate a lot of stress for the patients and improve their overall experience at the healthcare facility. 


Technology plays an enormous role in today’s healthcare design industry, so plan for it taking up a large part of your construction budget. To use it efficiently, the skill set of your planning team may need to be adjusted to include more technological experts in the healthcare architecture industry.What was once just merely incorporated, should now be seamlessly weaved into the workspace, as if it were a part of the building materials themselves. Using the hospital’s systems, services, and portals throughout the entirety of the building will take the modern must-have to the next level of well-done design. 


Physicians and nurses alike have all reported the feeling of being burnt out and worn too thin. What they say is true- you can’t pour from an empty cup. So healthcare design is looking towards being more employee-centered; as providing great patient care begins with a staff that performs efficiently and effectively. Creating an engaging environment with amenities like exercise facilities, healthy meal centers, outdoor walking trails, gardens, and social spaces will not only retain top talent but recruit it as well. Healthcare architecture is not just about the floor plans and building materials anymore, it’s about the people taking up these spaces, and that’s what’s going to set apart the best from the rest.

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Great job on adding that image, you ROCK!