Locus Architecture
Our Projects
About Us
Locus Architecture crafts meaningful architecture for clients who care about their spaces and what they represent. We're true to our passions - human participation, innovative construction, and beautiful spaces - without being beholden to restrictions of style or trend. We’re probably the only firm within a 4-hour drive of the Twin Cities with partners who designed and built their own homes. We practiced sustainability 10 years before LEED, led clients to create visioning exercises specifically tailored to them, and climbed through junk yards with clients searching for the perfect patina. We camped with students while building structures for kids in Katrina-ravaged Biloxi, compiled 50 years-worth of traditional and alternative building experience, and organized free lectures on relationship based creativity. With a wall of design awards to give us credibility, why trust us to create better experiences for you? Because we excel in creating them ourselves.
4453 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55419
Provides services nationwide