Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
A beautiful, sunfilled waiting area at Reliabank Mortgage in Sioux Fall, South Dakota with interior design work completed by Lenae Design.
Speedymason Stone Lath provides a solid and unique barrier system to install your stone tile. The panels fit all stone sizes.
Used to skin walls, built-in desks, and bars, the Laminam by Crossville porcelain tile panels add a needed depth with their warm tone and rich texture, set in contrast to the office’s soaring white walls and naturally toned floors.
The clean sales floor at the Faribault Woolen Mill in Faribault, Minnesota, restored and renovated by Anderson Companies.
Collaborator's of the 67th & Tower project skillfully chose Tubelite's T24650 Storefront in stunning Dark Bronze finish.
Photographer: Matt Puckett
Crafting room for the residents at Overture in Plano, TX.
The stunning contemporary designed façade was created using Astec's ABX Architectural Bronze technology in its construction. Astec Architectural Bronze is located in Brooklyn, New York.
Modern work space in The Center for Early Education in West Hollywood, CA.
Inviting lobby at Iowa Digestive Center located in Clive, Iowa, by Heartland.
The spacious conference room at Bank Iowa promotes collaboration and teamwork, by Heartland.
St. Cloud Window’s 3000 Series brings the benefits of modern technology into perfect harmony while maintaining the unique historic integrity of the Sibley County Courthouse.