Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
Since the 55 Hudson yards lobby is illuminated by natural light, the ceiling panels needed to be extremely flat, so a honeycomb backer was employed. The result is a textured, floating ceiling that issues warmth and makes a connection with its urban and natural surroundings. Photography Credit: Conni… Read More
Speedymason Stone and Brick Lath systems are versatile barrier systems that allow installers to maximize their time and efficiency. The full bed mortar systems can fit a variety of bricks and stone sizes.
Beautiful and spacious living, kitchen, and dining rooms can be found at the club room at Expo Minneapolis. American Drapery Systems used their brand for the custom drapery tracks found within.
The modern and clean interior finish sports fans can enjoy at Levi's Stadium, featuring fine wood veneer by Materials Inc.
Light-filled bar designed by Archuity in Nashville, Tennessee.
Photo credit: LifeLike Imageworks, LLC
Give your office building, or any building design, a unique look by using painted aluminum panels in multiple colors.
The pearlescent panels show different colors depending on where the light hits the panel. Definitely, an eye-catching exterior.
StratiFi Health is a two story 50,000 square-foot office building developed by Harrod Properties and designed by O’Brien Architects for StratiFi Health, a member of the Catalyst Health Network, which has been named one of the fastest-growing privately held companies by Southern Methodist Unive… Read More
The facade features a mix of Bendheim's 504 Rough Cast and Clarissimo channel glass textures. Photo courtesy of Blaffer Art Museum.
Single direction illumination with fully enclosed top surface
15 Hudson Yards is one of the most sought after residential condo buildings in Manhattan's West Side.