Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
The nursery at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church in Minneapolis, MN.
Chicago DIRTT Experience Center photo showing a meeting lounge built using DIRTT custom modular interior solutions.
These two seat ADA compliant table, shown in rectangle, is great for cafeterias and lunchrooms.
Maximize your space using cluster seating. Clusters are ideal for breakrooms, food courts and cafeterias.
The Dur-A-Edge tables are polyurethane and are the most resilient, long-lasting table top i… Read More
Large floor to ceiling windows allow natural light to seating area
Convene Coworking creates comfort, personal space and productivity captured in this photo by Ferrari Images.
When the sliding stacking doors are open, the panels can be configured to stack in hidden compartments or in front of other fixed panels.
This project was decidedly “patient-first” in every aspect of the design, from the actual patient rooms, to the hallways and decorative elements creating a peaceful and welcoming environment for both patients and their visiting families.