Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
MG McGrath fabricated and installed metal on both the interior and exterior of the re-named Andrus Building. The renovated exterior includes wall art to the right and left sides of the building’s main entrance doors.
Despite the large size, ActivWall excitedly took on this project. ActivWall designed a 10 panel, horizontal folding door that opens up the country club’s main hospitality space. At the same time, it adds an all-purpose experience. This allows for staff to easily move from the inside to the outside t… Read More
BioInnovation Center in New Orleans, Louisiana featuring SlenderWall architectural precast cladding envelope panels
SageGlass creates enjoyable gathering spaces for students and faculty at North Central College by minimizing heat gain, eliminating glare, and improving thermal comfort.
The clean facade design at the Shelbourne Pierson Library featuring the CUPACLAD® 201 VANGUARD rainscreen cladding system.
Snow Kreilich Architects helped Medtronic Corporation to orchestrate the consolidation, renovation and linking of two existing buildings into a new cohesive headquarters office and manufacturing facility in California.
Terreal North America used Piterak Slim in Custom Green Glaze on this project.
The CoBank Center is a Class A, build-to-suit office complex. The 296,000 sf, 11-story office building with an attached 6-level precast parking structure that accommodates 950 cars is a showcase facility for Colorado workers.
This tropical community entrance is perfectly illuminated with energy-efficient LED architectural lighting. This lighting plan was designed to beautifully showcase the community signage and surrounding landscape by Hospitality Outdoor Lighting
The SCW2500 Series dark gray 10 foot (7’ plus 3’) historic replica windows and doors are designed to reflect the surrounding River North Arts District neighborhood’s industrial history.