Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
Dur-A-Edge® Table Tops do not chip or peel. They are UV stable so they won’t fade and will maintain their color for years to come.
H.E. Williams delivers a better healing experience through lighting.
The hospital corridor is colorful and illuminated with H.E. Williams lighting.
Heath Sparkling Wines, located in Fredericksburg, Texas, is a contemporary winery dedicated to the art of fine sparkling winemaking.
Bright colors and glass elements create a cozy and welcoming interior design at Appraisal Foundation in Washington, DC, by KCCT Architects.
Dri-Design Painted Aluminum Panels are available in any color, with the ability to match colors of your choice without expensive upcharges.
These panels can be used for interior or exterior design applications. There are no sealants, gaskets or butyl tape in the panel joints, which means no dirty… Read More
Channel glass as a facade choice for parking structures offers a high degree of privacy by obscuring outside-in views. Photo by Bendheim.
The facade features approximately 40,000 sq. ft. of our channel glass, installed in a unique configuration designed and engineered by Bendheim, in collaboration with the architects. Photo by Timothy Hursley.
Meeting offices for employees to use for themselves or in small groups. All have tvs and marker boards for easy collaborations. Photographs done by Ferrari Images.