Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
One convenient amenity at Havenwood, a senior living community, is a salon to make haircuts even easier for residents.
The Grain Belt apartment complex features 150 luxury apartments in two four-story buildings not far from the Mississippi in North East Minneapolis
The Grain Belt Apartments project was extremely interesting due to the site's landmark status and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Extra precautions were taken to make sure archaeological remnants of what was the city's first brewery were not damaged.
The furniture underneath the blades of the pergola, by SkyCo, is protected, even when the blades are opened up after a rain shower; the blades are designed in such a way that the water is drained sideways.
Panter Hudspith Architects replaced the original curtain wall and specified Kalwall for the front elevation.
Photography: Alex Upton Photography
The Lamboo® Surface™ Series panel and veneer products are designed to provide a great alternative to typical wall sheathing
Houdini™ glass, an award-winning privacy glass, is installed in movable conference room partitions, gathering light from the opposing glazed façade and filtering it into the interior. Photo by Frank Oudeman.
Wells began erection on the podium portion of the Tower in May 2019, in total, we erected and produced more than 1,690 precast concrete members. This work took approximately 301 working days to complete. The architectural solid precast components on the podium and and the tower boast a beautiful s… Read More
Another custom LUXE Wedgewire pool project, also requiring a 90-degree angle of the gratings for a continuous drain run along all edges of the pool. LUXE premium Wedgewire provides unmatched hydraulic capabilities, providing function while also adding a unique design element to any pool deck.