Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
Masonry & aluminum facade with limestone bench, and screened bicycle parking.
Images courtesy of Vintage Cooperative of Ames and VHT Studios.
The gray brick facade helps this unique six-story condominium fit in with its surrounding neighbors.
This three-floor (including basement) rowhouse was totally gutted exposing its masonry shell. The renovation inserts contemporary space, designed to be useful both as a commercial office space or single-family residence depending on the owner. Initially fit-out as the corporate headquarters for a lo… Read More
The new Newport Beach Civic Center complex features a curved “sail” facade by Tesnion Structures.
Design goals include preservation of the existing historic facade, and an emphasis on interior finishes that complement the industrial context. Materials will include a light colored palette and modern choices of steel, brick, glass and wood.
G. Davis and Associates provided the composite fiber cement rainscreen, fiber cement facades and soffits for the West Campus Transportation Center at the University of Iowa.
A closeup view of the updated entrance shows the attention to detail used to create the building. The brick and glass facades create a uniform, stoic ambiance.