Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
Settlers plank mixed oak reclaimed wood wall paneling.
Tate assisted in Starlight Casino's goal of being a sustainable building with cleaner air by placing underfloor air distribution. From this, the Starlight Casino received awards for sustainability, universal access, and modern development.
Mixed Softwoods Grandma's Attic reclaimed wood by Pioneer Millworks can be found throughout this Architect Firms Office in Portland, Oregon.
Nearly all FabriSPAN® fabrics are DECLARE certified and qualify for LEED v4 interiors.
Pioneer Millworks reclaimed custom Douglas fir end block wall
Pioneer Millworks Reclaimed Black & Tan–50/50 Oak wall paneling.
Slightly narrower than the original HÅG Capisco by 9to5 Seating, the contours open up the hip
angle, which in turn extends the spine and opens the chest.
9to5 Seating's Neo showcases Neo 3160 with a mesh back which provides ultimate comfort.
Utilizing versatile benching products and lounge seating, Clearlink was able to create a high-performance space that sets them apart from other online marketing companies. They now have an environment that supports their culture and work styles in open and private settings.