Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
Orem Family Fitness Center is located in Orem, UT featuring products by Acuity Brands- Mark Architectural Lighting™. Project in collaboration with agency JRC. Photography by Endeavour Architectural Photography.
Pioneer Millworks reclaimed wood--Indonesian Teak Wire Brushed Reclaimed Teak Flooring with Custom Finish.
Pioneer Millworks Settler's Plank Mixed Hardwoods Reclaimed Floor in a chevron pattern.
Pioneer Millworks reclaimed Original Foundry Maple paneling in a retail store.
Pioneer Millworks reclaimed wood-Original Gym Flooring Reclaimed Wood Flooring in a "confetti" pattern in a private office.
Mixed hardwoods settlers plank reclaimed wall paneling at Chopt in New York City.
Original gym flooring reclaimed wood used as paneling in the 7th Ave. location of Minigrow in New York City.
American Gothic Mixed Hardwoods reclaimed wood paneling.
The guestrooms at Saint Kate are a nod to the artist’s mind at work, highlighted by a carpet that looks as though it’s covered in sheets of paper—scraps and drafts thrown to the side. Wallcovering used throughout the room is a tonal moiré pattern while a charcoal wallcovering accent drives the eyes… Read More
Pioneer Millworks Reclaimed Black & Tan–50/50 Oak wall paneling.
Pioneer Millworks Mushroom Board shelving
Shive-Hattery, Inc. developed concepts for conversion to a pedestrian bridge boasting guardrails, innovative lighting and interpretive signage. With assistance from an Iowa DOT State Recreational Trail grant and local matching funding fund, the project was completed in 2019. As master planning and … Read More