Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
Roast Kitchen paneling of Mixed Oak Railyard Patina in NYC.
515 Post Oak is an office building located in Houston, Texas, featuring lighting products from Acuity Brands - Custom Architectural Lighting Solution. Project in collaboration with Ziegler Cooper Associates and Acuity Brands agent LESCO.
Photo credit: Joe C. Aker with Aker Imaging
The NanaWall SL70 is highly durable and is designed for high traffic areas.
This private residence features lighting products from Acuity Brands - Aculux®. Project in collaboration with Harrison Design, and Acuity Brands agent Smart Lighting Solutions.
Photography by: Rob Whaley
The seating experience of HÅG Capisco Puls by 9to5 Seating helps fight fatigue throughout the day, allowing you to perform at the top of your game.
Utilizing versatile benching products and lounge seating, Clearlink was able to create a high-performance space that sets them apart from other online marketing companies. They now have an environment that supports their culture and work styles in open and private settings.
Utilizing versatile benching products and lounge seating, Clearlink was able to create a high-performance space that sets them apart from other online marketing companies. They now have an environment that supports their culture and work styles in open and private settings.