Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
The Spokane Central Library has become the 21st-century facility the city had envisioned. Innovative public spaces and services and an unconventional interior and lighting design have all contributed to the transformation. What was once a seemingly empty building has now been reinvigorated as Spokan… Read More
Tate Raised Access Floors are found throughout the entire 500,000 square foot Bryne US Courthouse and Green Federal Office Building Complex that spans 2 city blocks.
To allow multiple functions within limited square footage, Gensler utilized a NanaWall operable wall system. A medium-sized conference space at an intersection of two traffic paths is walled on two sides by a NanaWall HSW60 single track sliding glass wall system. In its closed state, the room is an … Read More
The space presented a design challenge because of the building’s three-foot deep structural ceiling beams, leaving just 9’6” of clearance. Most of the ceilings are left open and the floating clouds of stretched fabric provide acoustical control. The movable wall is 8’6” high, and the custom panel wi… Read More
Whatever your vision, Volo brings your space to life with speed, ease, and performance.
Volo can create the aesthetic of custom millwork or perform like traditional drywall, with the practical advantages of movable walls. The unitized, non-progressive construction allows fast installation and rec… Read More
Omnia fits in any workspace – collaborative areas, conference rooms, touchdown spaces, open environments, and beyond.
Utilizing versatile benching products and lounge seating, Clearlink was able to create a high-performance space that sets them apart from other online marketing companies. They now have an environment that supports their culture and work styles in open and private settings.
Brinker International Inc. is an American multinational hospitality company that owns well-known restaurant chains like Chilis and Mangiano’s Little Italy. Based in Dallas, Texas, the company had remained in an old building. CEO of Brinker, Wyman Roberts sought to create a new, inspiring space… Read More