Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
Meeting areas throughout the Psyop office include tables with benches that double for storage and others with couches, chairs and a lounge-like atmosphere.
Photography Credit: McNulty Photo
A hotel wall decor showcasing work completed by St. Germain's Cabinet work.
Light-filled atrium addition where students, teachers, and visitors activate into vital educational space.
Explore space in this children's area with the bright wall graphics, custom lighting and interactive toys.
Bison Versadjust Pedestals and 2x2 Smooth 8-Plank Ipê Wood Tiles crown the hotel’s rooftop deck space which includes outdoor lounging, recreation, and green roof areas framing the Ford assembly plant’s original water tower. The rooftop’s city views and easy access make the ro… Read More
The Issaquah Transit Center in Issaguah, WA has three stories of greenscreen green wall cover facades and stairwells creating a vertical garden cover for this large regional park and ride facility.
This station is performing as designed at 24% less energy consumption than a conventional station and serves the Olympia community well by costing substantially less to operate. Daylighting techniques utilized take advantage of the east-west orientation of the building, and north facing clerestory w… Read More
Staircase Landing -- The Octagon’s curving staircase serves equally well both aesthetic and practical purposes. The staircase acts like a chimney, or flue, not only to ventilate the entire house, but also to distribute warm and cool air throughout the house. Imagine it’s a warm summer day and that… Read More
For Sammons Financial Group, based in West Des Moines, Iowa, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of collaborative, comfortable working spaces, and showed company leaders that investing in a new custom-designed office building was the r… Read More
The entrance to 71Above restaurant offers a glimpse at the interior.
Main Entrance -- The Octagon was constructed between 1799 and 1801. The Tayloe family of Virginia moved into the house in the fall of 1802.
The Octagon was originally constructed to be a winter residence for the Tayloe family, but they lived in the house year-around from 1818-1855. The Octagon pr… Read More