Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
71Above features nearly 3,000 square feet of SageGlass around its perimeter. With SageGlass, 71Above staff can easily control the environment to create a consistently comfortable experience that visually connects patrons to the city below.
Walk through the lobby and admire the historic interior stone pillars and hanging sculpture above the reception area.
The Learning Commons at the University of Wisconsin School of Business features a modern frameless glass wall.
Serra from Pure + FreeForm's new Specular collection is a classic weathered steel, celebrating the gentle oxidation of iron with warm copper and chestnut tones. This classic finish is contrasted with another new finish, Akoya, a hybrid terracotta. With glaze-like surfacing, texture, and brightne… Read More
Vetter Stone's Alabama Stone in Silver Shadow color is a stunning and natural look to any building. Seen here on the exterior of the Mobile Courthouse in Alabama.
Photo Credit: Hartman-Cox Architects
Work included new academic spaces and a new competition gym, work to the field house and commons expansion, south end east classroom wing additions and performing arts additions.
The 189,000-square-foot building has a large multi-purpose proscenium theater with 1,800 seats, hosts music, dance, opera, and theatrical performances. In addition, the building contains spaces for rehearsals and teaching, offices, a scene shop, and a costume shop.
These metal awnings are extremely durable and will give your business a unique, identifiable look to set you apart.
The open office cubicles create an open and airy atmosphere at the SVL office in Roseville, Minnesota.
The open office space motorized shades allow you to control the amount of sunlight you want in the space, providing a healthy working environment. Photography by Alex Benge.
The outdoor environment makes up from then 60% of The Girls School of Austin campus and includes courtyards and rooftop decks. The rooftop deck, made with Bison Innovative Products ipe deck tiles and Bison deck supports, provides a unique alternative educational space for outdoor learning. Bison Ipê… Read More