Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
The Mercedes-Benz Superdome has 153 suites, with guests able to attend events in a comfortable setting. We provided our millwork services to build shelving and accent walls throughout the space.
From hospitality to office settings,
DuPont™ Tedlar™ Wallcoverings
provide durable design for high-traffic areas in a variety of styles,
colors and textures guaranteed to
leave a lasting impression.
Seen here is Durasein's Lively Collection in Weathered Wood for this hospital space.
The blue spiral staircase is accented by custom lighting from OCL Architectural lighting with curved linear lighting.
Sculpted Ashlar in silver shore by Cultured Stone is the modern touch on classic charm.
Surfacing Solution paintable Tambour Panels were used in this elegant restaurant.
A skylight allows this hallway to fill with daylight and create a warm atmosphere to enjoy at Urbandale Middle School, by Stahl.
The Sanford Fargo Medical Center has been described as the largest hospital project in North Dakota’s history. Sanford Health was committed to serving the growing community with a 1-million-square-foot, 11-story medical center and central energy plant focused on the future models of healthcare. Gage… Read More
The façade with its grid-like pattern stands elegantly above Bryant Park blending classical with contemporary.
Unitarian Universalist Church has copious windows to appreciate the beauty of the surrounding trees and to allow for plenty of natural light, by Anderson Companies.
BASWA Phon is installed within unique, healthy architecture throughout the globe and is recognized as the original, most specified, highest performing acoustical plaster system.
The industrial aesthetic of Barn Light's Original Warehouse Pendant can be incorporated into any interior space for added design and practicality.