Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
McDonald's Restaurant featuring the MJR-100 as the trim for the tile wall.
Gorgeous Pecan and White Oak flooring for the Marriott Hotel.
FSC and FloorScore Certified.
This waiting area in the offices feature comfortable and stylish seating.
The vibrant orange-red glass color is produced using Bendheim’s industry-leading, 3rd-party-tested, baked-in, and UV-resistant HardShell® glass paint formulations. Photo by Michael Toolan.
In order to accurately retrofit the wall to wall light box display, the LEDCONN engineering team set out to reverse engineer the previous display lighting with products similar to the original. LUXFIT light panels, LUXLINEAR light tubes, and LUXLINE light strips at 4500K were customized to provide g… Read More
The service counter at Cafe One Eight in New York City, featuring four Wesco Vented Deep Bowl Pendants by Barn Light Electric.
The SHED, a modern grange, market, cafe, and community gathering space use a unique combination of CableRail assemblies for their custom railings.
Photography Credit: Jay Graham Photography
The eye-catching Avalon Chain Hung Pendants in cobalt blue provide accent to this strong industrial office space design.
A creatively lit hallway and elevator room at Custom House Hyatt Place in St. Paul, MN.
Decorative granite countertops and the plastered ceiling were all provided by Granicrete Minnesota. The 15 Church restaurant located in Saratoga, NY was looking for a comforting, stimulating, and high-end renovation to this building.
The vast and open Fellowship Hall at Church of the Good Shepherd in Denver, Colorado, by Palace Construction.