Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
Hilton Head Residence, located in Hilton Head, SC, features the combination of Lamboo® Rainscreen™ - Exterior Siding/Cladding & Lamboo® Rainscreen™ - Soffit.
The Louis Joliet Mall in Illinois creates a light, airy environment with their indoor plants and trees, skylight and wooden beams.
The LUXFIT™ RGB LED Light Panels hanging on the tree provide information and bring some fun colors to the shopping center.
Featuring the 8DR and 6AR downlight fixtures at the Thomas Jefferson High School auditorium. The all new LED downlight collection from Williams provides an excellent solution for sleek, modern architectural lighting. With 2, 4, 6 and 8 inch apertures available in round and square styles, our downlig… Read More
City National Plaza Bank Towers in Los Angeles used Fellert Even Better Silk. Once the Fellert Silk was applied the space was transformed drastically. More light reflectance, soft gentle acoustics to welcome the building tenants to their offices.
Custom build solid surface sink from Durasein also comes with a handy shelf.
TundraBrick is a classically-shaped profile with all the surface character you could want. Slightly squared edges are chiseled and worn as if they’d braved the elements for decades. Corners available.
The bar area at David Reay's features a brick design using Speedymason Peel n' Stick for easy and fast completion. Peel n' Stick provides versatility and simple installation for any of your brick finish projects.