Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
The buffet bar at VIPS Garden in Seoul, Korea using HanStone Quartz by Hyundai L&C USA.
Using the existing artwork from the 200 W. Monroe and 230 W. Monroe lobbies as inspiration, an abstract rendering of a Chicago overhead street map was created for the 20-foot wrap using simple dark blue and white colors that complement the red and white shades used on the outdoor furniture and canop… Read More
HighCraft Builders office is a renovated 1920s-era garage that was renovated into a design studio featuring statement lighting by Barn Light Electric.
Schnipper restaurant sure knows how to show off the tambour wall panels, by Surfacing Solution.
Relaxing outdoor public spaces featuring the Centro™ Outdoor sconce by OCL. These light fixtures add design and functionality to your exterior gathering areas.
The rooftop deck and link block of the Cerner Three Trails Campus is topped with concrete pavers supported by Bison Versadjust Pedestals. Photography Credit: Alistair Tutton
Outback Steakhouse worked with ASI to create a beautiful specialty ceiling panels over over their bar and throughout the restaurant for accents.
Exterior Stone is a wonderful addition to any building.
Dutch Quality Stone is an exceptionally efficient option that gives you the profile of intricately stacked natural stone in an easy-to-install panel form. No grouting small ledge stones or prolonged construction timelines required.
The historic Charlie's Irish Pub and Restaurant received a facelift when the new horseshoe bar and drip plate were installed. This countertop was the perfect fit both literally and metaphorically. Physically, it fit the space perfectly and was the largest horseshoe countertop created without seams. … Read More
Hufcor proudly manufactures the most installed brand of operable partitions in the world. Available in 3″ and 4″ wall thicknesses, the Series 600™ line combines the durability of a welded steel frame to achieve greater heights, straight lines, and sealability, with the design versatility of a wide … Read More
Quality Cordeck metal deck products are available in a variety of depths, widths, and gauges to meet your requirements.
Cordeck is also your single-source provider of a complete range of flashings, trim, and accessories to complete your project a successfully.
If you would like to learn more a… Read More
Designed to complete your lighting package, Williams surface mount LED solutions complement our most popular recessed and suspended products, from rounds to continuous light.