Project photos from professionals within the commercial construction and design industry.
The sustainably designed school buildings featuring the CUPACLAD® 101 LOGIC natural slate for its unique look and naturally strong properties.
The easily accessible school playground featuring protective wood fencing that complements the surrounding building designs.
The Glowstick™ is an elegant, contemporary pendant that is suitable for any indoor application. The fixtures can be clustered together to create large scale installations.
At 6,700 SF, the Bee Discovery Center in Chaska, Minnesota contains a few notable spaces including a central exhibit area, teaching and flexible gathering areas, a honey house for extraction and a pollinator garden with outdoor exhibition areas.
Natural wood and cool water tones make for a soothing, restful environment — a welcome counterbalance to the inherent stresses of emergency response. Keeping mental, physical and emotional wellness at the fore, JDa ensured that every occupied room has access to ample natural light and fresh air.
Beautiful amenity area using Contract Industries custom booth seating.
Ceiling detail at the American Airlines headquarters showcases Fellert's Even Better Silk material.
This residential building cleverly provides a self-shading facade for its residents as well as privacy.
Greenwood Tiny Home, located in Ohio, features Lamboo® Elements™ - Exterior Components.
Pitch simply performs. Take it for a spin in the office and your note taking will never be the same! Drawing its name from the angled writing surface, it feels unique yet easy to jot notes on this mobile whiteboard. Pitch is customizable by surface, frame, caster and size. Got another idea for custo… Read More
Ferrari red garage in Moduline's Pro-II™ Cabinets is the perfect way for this space to be kept tidy.
The luxury washing station features comfortable lounge chairs, unique wall graphics and hanging pendant lights.