Gulf Harbour Marina is a world class marine service center, located in Auckland, New Zealand. Recent developments to their impressive facilities has seen the upgrading of their Marina Pier Gates. Working in conjunction with Dixon Manufacturing a design was developed by Dixon's to meet the demands of the Marina and the environment in which it has to operate. Some of the criteria that the Pier Gate had to meet and incorporate included security, safety, technology and aesthetics to complement such a beautiful and busy environment, which is exposed to the elements common to a coastal location. The design of the Pier Gate included VisionInk Ceramic Printed & Laminated Glass Side Panels, which added numerous qualities to the overall performance of the structure. Providing additional shelter against the elements, without minimizing any of the safety or security requirements to users and vessels berthed at these impressive facilities. The printing of the glazed Side Panels also gave the Marina the opportunity to subtly brand and uniquely identify the Pier Gates for easy recognition and navigation around the marina, utilizing Glasshapes' VisionInk - Ceramic Ink Printing process.