Maize Performance Center exterior lighting | Meteor Lighting


Maize Performance Center

As part of a $108.2 million bond for schools, the Maize Unified School District 266 built a top-notch Performing Arts and Aquatics Center. The complex, thought out to host swimming and diving competitions, as well as shows and art events is now a unique and great asset to the student community.
This 88,000-square-foot facility was designed by SJCF Architecture and features a performance stage, a 950-seat and 2nd-level balcony fine arts auditorium, classrooms, lockers, and a Natatorium consisting of an Olympic pool and grandstand.

Meteor’s Atria 6 was installed to accentuate the 2D-like ceiling, bringing the auditorium to life. These high-performing cylinders lend themselves perfectly to this project application because of their compact shape and their optimal lighting qualities.

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Great job on adding that image, you ROCK!