ENVELEX Floating Acrylic Wine Rack | | ENVEL Design

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ENVELEX Floating Acrylic Wine Rack

ENVEL Design

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Product ID: 26870
Introducing ENVEL Design's ENVELEX Floating Wine Rack. High-polished 2" thick by 10 foot tile structural acrylic plate, machined to accommodate multiple stainless steel polished connecting rods. These 1/8" thick wall stainless tubes are high-polished and cross-drilled to accommodate thousands locating pins which secure individual wine bottles into place using custom machined acrylic "saddles". Above each horizontal stainless tube is a continuous, dimmable LED strip providing color-corrected uplighting to softly illuminate displayed bottles. Each display, empty, weighs approximately 1.5 tons, and hold a total of 2700 bottles.

Inspiration Featuring ENVEL Design

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Great job on adding that image, you ROCK!