Optichroic® Dichroic Architectural Glass | | Bendheim

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Optichroic® Dichroic Architectural Glass


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Product ID: 28520
Since its introduction to the market, Optichroic has gained appeal due to its space-age aesthetic and versatility. We can tailor the glass with a wide range of finishes, textures and light-diffusing interlayers, creating a myriad of effects. Adding a matte finish, for example, can soften the shifting hues and lend an ephemeral quality – what one client referred to as “color without color.” Adding a sharp texture has the opposite effect, intensifying the color. The fresh color-shifting hues expand architects’ and interior designers’ material palette, providing new ways to create dynamic light and color effects.

Inspiration Featuring Bendheim

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Great job on adding that image, you ROCK!