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111 E. Grand
To help control the sound transfer between floors, Maxxon's Acousti-Mat 3/4 Premium sound mat at 3/4" total thickness was installed over the entire 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors of this beautiful Dowel-Laminated Timber building, the first of its kind in Iowa!
Products: Acousti-Mat 3/4 Pre… Read More
111 E. Grand is a beautiful Dowel-Laminated Timber building, the first of its kind in Iowa.
Maxxon's Acousti-Mat 3/4 Premium was used to help control the sound transfer between the floors of the Dowel-Laminated Timber building.
111 E. Grand is a beautiful Dowel-Laminated Timber building, the first of its kind in Iowa.
Maxxon's Acousti-Mat 3/4 Premium was used to help control the sound transfer between the floors of the Dowel-Laminated Timber building.