Studio O+A
San Francisco, CA
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452 Tehama
452 Tehama is the first space O+A actively designed for itself. Prior O+A studios tended to be ad hoc environments, purely functional spaces (and sometimes not so functional) improvised from the materials at hand. The Tehama Street office is the sort of space O+A designs for its clients… Read More
A goal of the office at 452 Tehama was to maintain O+A’s “family” culture—with a family considerably larger than it once was. A big kitchen with a 22-foot standing-height table, full espresso facilities and a high definition flat-screen TV provides space for shared meals, catered events and all-han… Read More
The Studio O+A actively designed a space for themselves, making sure it focused on creating spaces where their employees could easily collaborate.
It was important to Studio O+A to have a large conference room for everyone to collaborate and work together as a team. The large wood table and lots of storage are a great addition to complete their vision.
Studio O+A wanted to create a open studio with lots of spaces for their employees to work independently or as a large group.