Bison Innovative Products
Denver, CO
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American Psychological Association (APA) Headquarters
The American Psychological Association (APA) is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. APA is the world's largest association of psychologists, with nearly 130,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its memb… Read More
Bison Innovative Products wood decking tiles contrast the stone pavers on the rooftop patio at the American Psychological Association Headquarters. The space also features a steel trellis that provides ample shade for the area.
Photography Credit: Capitol Greenroofs
The American Psychological Association Headquarters new rooftop features Bison Innovative Products ipe decking tiles for a warm natural look as well as Bison Cubes in a custom installation as planters with built-in ipe benches for additional seating.
Photography Credit: Capitol Greenroofs
American Psychological Association Headquarters' new rooftop uses Bison Innovative Products ipe decking tiles for a warm natural look that complements the cool stone pavers. Photography Credit: Capitol Greenroofs