Wade Architectural Systems
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Callier Center for Communication Disorders
Dallas, TX
Centria's perforated metal panels create a visual aesthetic for the building and are shading devices at entries and glazed portions. SmithGroupJJR organized them into a rhythmic pattern that creates an elegantly composed façade from the exterior, and a translucent layer that har… Read More
SmithGroupJJR organized Centria perforated metal panels into a rhythmic pattern that creates an elegantly composed façade from the exterior, and a translucent layer that harvests daylight from the interior.
Centria's perforated metal panels create a stunning visual aesthetic for the Callier Center and are also a shading device at the entries and glazed portions.
SmithGroupJJR organized Centria perforated metal panels into a rhythmic pattern that creates an elegantly composed façade from the exterior, and a translucent layer that harvests daylight from the interior.
Centria's perforated metal panels create a stunning visual aesthetic for the Callier Center and are also a shading device at the entries and glazed portions.
SmithGroupJJR organized Centria perforated metal panels into a rhythmic pattern that creates an elegantly composed façade from the exterior, and a translucent layer that harvests daylight from the interior.
SmithGroupJJR organized Centria perforated metal panels into a rhythmic pattern that creates an elegantly composed façade from the exterior, and a translucent layer that harvests daylight from the interior.