GKD Metal Fabrics
Cambridge, MD
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Creating Healthy Middoor Environments
According to the World Health Organization, noise pollution is the number two killer of humans, after air pollution. The presence of mindscapes – expanded outdoor spaces – offer the benefit of an acoustic buffer zone that is a safe and healthy setting for productivity. Additionally, exte… Read More
Due to its basic structure and depending on its open area, wire mesh can provide exceptionally efficient sound absorption.
To mitigate airborne noise pollution from nearby highways and transportation in urban settings, a metal mesh wallcovering or partition can act as a sound absorption tool and acoustic buffer to help block exterior noise pollution.
Stainless steel metal fabric is particularly suited for outdoor use with its low maintenance and high-performance technical benefits. GKD provides design, fabrication and installation for all types of “middoor” architectural features such as green facades, trellises and semi-permeable walls.
Considering current health and safety precautions encouraging socially distanced, outdoor activities, the need to provide sunshading, overhangs, or other ceiling structures has become a necessity.
Metal mesh can be used to create custom-designed solar protection in a variety of finishes and metal alloys. When used around the perimeter of parks, landscapes, and expanded outdoor areas, metal mesh maintains a subtle, semi-permeable, and secure boundary while also blending unobtrusively into natu… Read More
GKD metal mesh is a remarkably versatile construction material that provides an integrated solution to expand, define and protect outdoor public spaces while fostering healthy environments and community resilience in any extreme climate, health epidemic, or cultural landscape while delivering attrac… Read More
Using woven metal mesh to create these midscapes provides an economical, flexible design solution that results in multiple benefits: enhanced indoor air quality lowered operating costs, natural light and sun shading, higher cognitive performance and healing, reduced stress, and acoustic comfort.