Albany, MN
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Drake University
Des Moines, IA
This $8 million, 39,000-square foot facility includes two full-size courts flanked by auxiliary baskets to make the most of every minute and square foot dedicated to practice. Off court, the structure features state-of-the-art locker rooms, video suites, team rooms, and dedicated training facilities… Read More
An evening view of the main entrance and exterior of the Shivers Basketball Practice Facility at Drake University. Wells Concrete provided the wall panels for the thin brick facade.
Bright and spacious, the common area at the Shivers Basketball Practice Facility provides a comfortable gathering space for players and coaches.
A relaxing lounge space showcasing the school's colors and branding at the Shivers Basketball Practice Facility at Drake University.
The exterior of the Shivers Basketball Practice Facility features insulated architect load bearing wall panels with an exposed thin brick application. It gives the building a distinct facade design.
The exposed brick design of the Shivers Basketball Practice facility at Drake University, featuring insulated wall panels by Wells Concrete.