Corte Madera, CA
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Edmunds.com Corporate Headquarters
It takes a lot of people to make up Edmunds.com, the automotive networking and shopping giant. In 2016, Edmunds moved all those people into a new office in Santa Monica, CA, to give them a better, more collaborative, more enjoyable place to work. Architects M+M Creative Studio designed a vast flowin… Read More
It takes a lot of people to make up Edmunds.com, the automotive networking and shopping giant. In 2016, Edmunds moved all those people into a new office in Santa Monica, CA, to give them a better, more collaborative, more enjoyable place to work. Architects M+M Creative Studio designed a vast flowin… Read More
Donald Lucid, Edmunds Facilities Associate Manager, credits architect Chris Mitchell with the inspiration to put in movable walls. “To have that beautiful atrium right in the middle of our space,” Lucid recalls, “it just made sense—let’s put NanaWalls in there. ”The glass wall systems are open every… Read More
The moveable walls that make the open atrium practical are NanaWall opening glass wall systems. The longest is a single track sliding HSW60 system of 24 individual panels in two groups, over 80 feet in length. Two SL70 folding systems, 26 and 27 feet respectively, extend the atrium opening to more t… Read More
The NanaWall HSW60 offers commercially rated swing doors in multiple locations, wherever needed. Unlike other solutions, the swing doors can convert to sliding panels and are easily stored away. The swing door has been tested to 500,000 opening and closing cycles per the AAMA920 test standard and ca… Read More
Folding glass walls come in many different names: bi-fold doors, glass according doors, folding glass doors and more. We named our systems folding glass walls to accurately describe the performance and function of our product line. Each panel of the glass folding doors connects to the others and fol… Read More
The NanaWall SL45 features an all-aluminum design for low maintenance finishes and minimal sightlines that form a picture frame like appearance. All folding and locking hardware is integrated into the profiles for a clean look. There are no surface mounted hinges. SL45 can create open corner designs… Read More
To maximize flexibility for larger gatherings, NanaWall SL45 folding glass walls are also installed in two of the biggest conference rooms on the first floor. “They open into the central area, doubling or tripling the rooms’ effective size for larger groups. But when closed, they provide… Read More