Feeney Inc.
Oakland, CA
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Glen Eagle Golf Club
If you have oversized or irregular
wood or metal posts that require a
specific thread length, the All-Thread
Receiver (ATR) Kits have a special
receiver that accepts the length of
all-thread rod you request
CableRail may be installed on new or existing metal railing frames in exterior, interior, residential, and commercial settings
Depending on your railing frame conditions and desired
aesthetics, there are a variety of available options for using
and attaching CableRail cables on stairs.
Each kit includes special Threaded Terminal and automatic-locking Quick-Connect® Inset attachment fittings that are sleek, simple to use, and easy to conceal.
Stair landings or tiered decks may allow for cables to run continuously through the
stairs without terminating
CableRail available in 1/8", 3/16", and 1/4" diameter cable to complement any railing design
CableRail is not only extremely durable and aesthetic but virtually invisible, allowing beautiful, unimpaired views.