Pella Windows and Doors
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Harlem Boys and Girls Club
After sitting vacant for more than 30 years, Public School 186 is once again helping the community thrive as affordable housing and headquarters for the Boys & Girls Club of Harlem.
It took decades of deliberation to determine whether the dilapidated building could be feasibly salvaged, but t… Read More
Pella recreated many of the building's doors with a unique, custom window design. Using a large piece of glass with divided lights in the upper part of the door and two horizontal opaque panels in the lower part, Pella created a raised-panel-door look that rang true to the originals.
To match the styling of that era, Pella designed the fourth-floor windows with a curve-top exterior opening and a rectangular-top opening on the interior. This required a special transition detail from the outside to the inside.
To match the styling of that era, Pella designed the fourth-floor windows with a curve-top exterior opening and a rectangular-top opening on the interior. This meant a special transition detail from the outside to the inside. The building's windows are monumental in size, with many ranging from 4' t… Read More
Window combinations and exterior doors were recreated from historical photographs, remnants of trim found on-site and extant drawings of the school. Every window was custom-designed to specially fit each individual opening.
With some customization, the Pella® Architect Series® aluminum-clad wood products met the requirements of the National Park Service while still delivering low-maintenance exteriors and other modern-day innovations.
Custom extrusions are used at the vertical and horizontal mullions between windows and around window perimeters. This solution not only stylistically matched the original wood trim, but also brought an element of durability to the frames that had not previously existed.
Pella used a unique glazing assembly that features panes of glass with varying thicknesses to achieve better sound transmission resistance.
Custom door design by Pella made specifically for the Harlem Boys and Girls Club project in New York.
Custom mullion window designs by Pella made specifically for the Harlem Boys and Girls Club project in New York.
Problem-solving innovations went beyond windows as Pella recreated many of the building's doors with a unique, custom window design. Using a large piece of glass with divided lights in the upper part of the door and two horizontal opaque panels in the lower part, Pella® Architect Series® fixed casem… Read More