Allen & Major Associates, Inc.
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Herring Cove Beach and Province Lands Road Reclamation Project
Wellfleet, MA
The Herring Cove North Parking Lot was extensively damaged during the 2011-2012 winter season. Storms and erosion every year have continued to wash away most of the north lot and revetment. The north lot needs to be relocated and replaced in a sustainable and well-engineered manner that will reestab… Read More
Allen & Major Associates was the engineer on the Herring Cove Beach relocation and construction project.
The Herring Cove Beach project consisted of relocating the Province Lands Road and construction of a new north parking lot. The new parking lot has the same number of parking spaces but is much safer for bikers and pedestrians.
Stunning scenery and a safe bike/walk path can be found at the Herring Cove Beach relocation project.
The Herring Cove Beach Road Reclamation project focused on keeping the scenery and usability of the space while making it safer for bikers and pedestrians.
Allen & Major Associates was the engineer on the Herring Cove Beach relocation and construction project.