Barn Light Electric
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Hidden Coast Tattoo | Sebastopol, California
When Aaron and his wife, Trudy, searched for a place to establish Hidden Coast Tattoo in Sebastopol, California, they discovered that landlords often have preconceived notions about the tattoo community. When they finally found space available with an amenable landlord, they weren’t … Read More
The nautical themed tattoo shop in Sebastopol, California, featuring the Astro Shallow Bowl Nautical LED Pendant by Barn Light Electric.
There's a light fixture for every theme. Hidden Coast Tattoo in Sebastopol, California, features the Astro Shallow Bowl Nautical LED Pendant by Barn Light Electric.
The reception and work area at Hidden Coast Tattoo in Sebastopol, California, featuring the Astro Shallow Bowl Nautical LED Pendant by Barn Light Electric.
Taking a timeless style into the modern age, the Astro Rustic Pendant is equipped with state-of-the-art LED technology built and made by Barn Light Electric.
The Astro Shallow Bowl Nautical LED Pendant, by Barn Light Electric, features state-of-the-art technology enclosed in a timeless style and design.