Quinn Evans Architects
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Hill Auditorium - University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Hill Auditorium today is once again a proud architectural and cultural feature that demonstrates both the grand tradition and cultural richness of the University of Michigan.
QEA renewed this internationally acclaimed auditorium designed by Detroit architect Albert Kahn. The comprehensive renovat… Read More
Hill Auditorium today is once again a proud architectural and cultural feature that demonstrates both the grand tradition and cultural richness of the University of Michigan.
QEA renewed this internationally acclaimed auditorium designed by Detroit architect Albert Kahn. The comprehensive renovation crafted new functional requirements of a 21st century performing arts facility into the historic structure and restored the historic character-defining features that are crit… Read More
QEA renewed this internationally acclaimed auditorium designed by Detroit architect Albert Kahn. The comprehensive renovation crafted new functional requirements of a 21st century performing arts facility into the historic structure and restored the historic character-defining features that are crit… Read More
QEA renewed this internationally acclaimed auditorium designed by Detroit architect Albert Kahn. The comprehensive renovation crafted new functional requirements of a 21st century performing arts facility into the historic structure and restored the historic character-defining features that are crit… Read More
Hill Auditorium today is once again a proud architectural and cultural feature that demonstrates both the grand tradition and cultural richness of the University of Michigan.