JTH Lighting Alliance
Apple Valley, MN
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Iowa State Fairgrounds
Des Moines, IA
The Iowa State Fair is one of the oldest and largest fairs in the county and is the single largest event in the state of Iowa. It attracts more than a million people annually over its 10 day run. At heart, it is a celebration and salute to agriculture, industry and achievement.
Choosin… Read More
Entering through the ticket gate structure funnels fairgoers to the south were Hess City Elements columns flank 33rd Street. Here the design team opted to specify a blue LED top cap as another wayfinding element. This serves as both a guide to lead toward the ticket gates and an easy meeting point t… Read More
The design team was also challenged to light the large space on the midway area from the perimeter only. P&E chose the CREE Edge High Output Flood with "SN" optics mounted on 39 foot poles throughout the Iowa State Fairgrounds, by JTH Lighting.
P&E Engineering and K/O Architects chose City Elements 230 Modular Light Column System from HessAmerica to illuminate the Iowa State Fairgrounds located in Des Moines, Iowa, by JTH Lighting.
The design team was also challenged to light the large space on the midway area from the perimeter only. P&E chose the CREE Edge High Output Flood with "SN" optics mounted on 39 foot poles throughout the Iowa State Fairgrounds, by JTH Lighting.