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Johnson County Community College (JCCC) Fine Arts and Design Studio | Overland Park, KS
The new Johnson County Community College Fine Arts and Design Studio is enveloped in a customized ventilated glass facade by Bendheim. The 170-foot-wide facade features our Lumi Frit™ Surface 1 fritted glass. It acts as a screen that filters soft, glare-free daylight into the studios through s… Read More
Bendheim’s customized ventilated glass façade diffuses light, creating a soft glow at night. Photo by Nick Merrick.
The design harnesses the luminous quality of Bendheim’s Lumi Frit glass to activate the adjacent lawn and turn it into an outdoor space for informal student gatherings, study, and reflection.
Photo by Nick Merrick.
As the sun tracks across the sky, the Lumi Frit glass facade at times appears to fade into the firmament. Photo by Bendheim.
On the interior, Mag+ magnetic dry-erase glass boards with a soft etched finish line the hallways and display student art and notices. Photo by Bendheim.
The 170-foot-wide facade acts as a screen that filters soft, glare-free daylight into the art studios. Photo by Bendheim.
Our matte ultra-white Mag+ magnetic glass boards provide glare-free, durable surfaces for brainstorming, idea sharing, and instruction. Photo by Bendheim.
The glass is captured in our patented Wall-F compression clips, attached to a steel support structure that stands approximately 10 feet from the primary building wall. Photo by Bendheim.
As the sun tracks across the sky, the Lumi Frit glass facade at times appears to fade into the firmament. Photo by Bendheim.
Lumi Frit glass is ultra-durable and stands up to the elements, because the pattern is permanently fused to the glass at 1,200° F (680° C). It is also bird-friendly. Photo by Bendheim.
Our Lumi Frit Small Dot pattern on surface #1 and SatinTech® etched surface #4 provide optimal light diffusion. The glass also doubles as a projection surface. Photo by Bendheim.