Albany, MN
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Kasson-Mantorville High School
Kasson, MN
This school currently has approximately 600 students in grades 9-12; Dodge County will grow by 28.6% over the next 30 years, making it the fourth-fastest growing county in Minnesota, and this growth resulted in a need for expansion.
A 66,000 square foot, two-story addition at the high school incl… Read More
Precast was a great solution for the tall walls at the stage area of the auditorium. The precast producer designed the concrete elements using loading information from the structural engineer.
The design called for 50-foot walls for the auditorium space. Using precast allowed for thinner walls and a narrower foundation, and sped up erection time. Speed was important during construction, because it was being done in November in the Upper Midwest, where weather can be a major factor at that… Read More
Precast project featuring insulated wall panels with a beautiful mix of thin brick by Wells Concrete.
The design used two different brick types including Endicott and Belden. The mixed textures played well against each other with the slight differences in color and texture. 50’ high load bearing precast wall panels surrounded the theater and fly loft stage.
The use of precast for this project reduced energy costs significantly versus traditional construction. The insulated wall panels featured an extremely low thermal transmission rate while eradicating cold spots. In addition, the thermal mass effect produced by the concrete construction results in hi… Read More