Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Minneapolis, MN
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Mainstreet Plano
Plano, TX
Plano Mainstreet is a 66,500 square-foot, two-story medical resort offering 30 service-rich apartments for those who need well-planned assistance and 70 private and companion recovery suites for those in need of top-of-the-line rehabilitation and therapy services. Ninety percent of the rooms are sin… Read More
The Mainstreet Plano senior living center, constructed by Adolfson & Peterson Construction, features a large porte-cochere with stunning architectural stone.
The Mainstreet Plano senior living center features handsomely-appointed design and a hotel-like environment.
The Mainstreet Planto senior living center, constructed by Adolfson & Peterson Construction, features 30 service-rich apartments for those who need well-planned assistance and 70 private and companion recovery suites.
The Mainstreet Plano senior living center, constructed by Adolfson & Peterson Construction, features a large porte-cochere with stunning architectural stone.