Minneapolis, MN
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MCTC: Helland & Whitney Fine Arts Centers
Minneapolis, MN
The Helland Center project consisted of a 21,200-square-foot occupied renovation and a 15,800-square-foot addition including expanded student life areas, improved circulation of students, classrooms, student lounges, activity areas, clinic space, meeting rooms, student club and organization offices,… Read More
The Helland Center project consisted of a 21,200-square-foot occupied renovation and a 15,800-square-foot addition constructed by Stahl.
Spacious hallways double as gathering areas inside MCTC: Helland & Whitney Fine Arts Centers constructed by Stahl.
Curtain windows provide a beautiful scenic view at MCTC: Helland & Whitney Fine Arts Centers constructed by Stahl.
MCTC: Helland & Whitney Fine Arts Centers has common areas throughout the building by Stahl.
The beautiful exterior finish of MCTC: Helland & Whitney Fine Arts Centers constructed by Stahl.