CG Schmidt, Inc.
Milwaukee and Madison, WI
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Milwaukee Art Museum – Calatrava Addition
Milwaukee, WI
This 125,000-square-foot cast-in-place addition to the existing structure was constructed of concrete, steel and glass. The structure was designed and constructed to serve as a high-profile and widely-recognized symbol for the City of Milwaukee. Dramatic design included louvered wings enclosing… Read More
The exterior of the Calatrava addition at the Milwaukee Art Museum in Wisconsin, by CG Schmidt.
The spacious auditorium inside the Calatrava addition at Milwaukee Art Museum, by CG Schmidt.
The dramatic design included louvered wings enclosing the reception hall, a restaurant with a 180-degree lake view and double masts anchoring the building and its cabled pedestrian footbridge, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, by CG Schmidt.
The structure was designed and constructed to serve as a high-profile and widely-recognized symbol for the City of Milwaukee, by CG Schmidt.