Chatfield Green Roofing
Elbridge, NY
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Mixed-use Buildings
Chatfield Green Roofing is able to be installed on just about any roof. Some benefits of this system are rainwater retention, reduction of storm water run off, enhances building performance and conserves energy, reduces heat flux through the roof. It's very quick to install and mainten… Read More
Chatfield Green Roofing completed this project for the Capital One Headquarters located in McLean, Virgiia showcases 15,000 SF of the XF 301 + 3/4" XT Mat system
Chatfield Green Roofing completed this project on the Empire State building located in New York City with over 6,900 SF of the XF 301 + 3/4" XT Mat System.
Chatfield Green Roofing completed this project for Duke University's Medical Center located in Durham, North Carolina which has over 5,972 SK of XF301 + 1.5" XT Mat System.
Chatfield Green Roofing completed this project on Zeckendorf Towers located in New York City which has 14,000 SF of XF300 + 2 FL Mat System.