Litchfield, IL
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Okatie, SC Residence
This high-end residence incorporated a variety of Lamboo® products into the design creating a warm flow from the outside, in.
Lamboo® Skyline™ - Interior Linear Ceiling System is seen throughout the interior of the Okatie Residence.
The combination use of Lamboo® Skyline™ - Interior Linear Ceiling System, Lamboo® Structure™ - Beams, Lamboo® Elements™ - Window Louvers, & Lamboo® Vue™ - Window Trim is seen here.
Featured on the exterior of the Okatie Residence are Lamboo® Elements™ - Window Louvers, Lamboo® Vue™ - Window Trim, Lamboo® Structure™ - Beams, & Lamboo® Structure™ - Pergola.
Featured here at the Okatie Residence in SC is Lamboo® Structure™ - Pergola.
Featured here at the Okatie Residence is the combination of Lamboo® Structure™ - Cambered Beams & Lamboo® Vue™ - Interior Doors.
Featured in one of the bathrooms at the Okatie Residence are Lamboo® Structure™ - Beams around the shower.