GKD Metal Fabrics
Cambridge, MD
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Omega 1520
Material: AISI Type 316 SS
Type: Flexible, one direction
Open Area: 50%
Weight: 1.06 lbs/sqft
Max. width: Up to 20' special order, 62" standard max.
Max. length: Contact GKD
The Liberty Fund library project began with the idea that their priceless collection of books should be visible to passersby. This is where GKD Metal Fabrics Omega 1520 comes into play.
30 stainless steel metal fabric sunscreens, totaling 4,771 feet, with etching and custom-designed galvanized steel brackets by GKD Metal Fabrics.
Seen here is GKD Metal Fabrics Omega 1520.
Omega 1520 by GKD Metal Fabrics.
Clear glass was paired with GKD's Omega 1520, a natural and permanent sunshade, and Helix 48.
Helix 48 was used as the second screen behind each panel that created a continuous solar shading effect.
The contrasting metal fabrics help avoid a moiré pattern (an unwanted geometric shift in the pattern) from occurring for passing cars.
Liberty Fund's founder had created a timeline with key people, writings, and events, which provided the basis for the organization's mission. The letters etched onto the Omega 1520 became a visual 35-foot high representation of that mission, with the metal fabric cut in specific widths that … Read More