SGM Lighting
Aarhus V Denmark
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Science Museum, London
For a custom-made lighting installation in the Making the Modern World gallery, one of the flagship galleries at the Science Museum, London, rental company White Light turned to SGM's rail lights to fulfill their idea of a long-term lighting solution sympathetic to the existing look of the… Read More
For a custom-made lighting installation in the Making the Modern World gallery, one of the flagship galleries at the Science Museum, London, rental company White Light turned to SGM's rail lights to fulfill their idea of a long-term lighting solution sympathetic to the existing look of the gallery.
The Making the Modern World gallery features some of the Museum's most remarkable objects, and iconic artifacts, such as the Apollo 10 Command Module and the first-ever Apple computer, now illuminated by SGM's R-2 Rail Lights.
For a custom-made lighting installation in the Making the Modern World gallery, one of the flagship galleries at the Science Museum, London, rental company White Light turned to SGM's rail lights to fulfill their idea of a long-term lighting solution sympathetic to the existing look of the gallery.
For a custom-made lighting installation in the Making the Modern World gallery, one of the flagship galleries at the Science Museum, London, rental company White Light turned to SGM's rail lights to fulfill their idea of a long-term lighting solution sympathetic to the existing look of the gallery.
The Making the Modern World gallery features some of the Museum's most remarkable objects, and iconic artifacts, such as the Apollo 10 Command Module and the first-ever Apple computer, now illuminated by SGM's R-2 Rail Lights.