Loll Designs
Duluth, MN
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Skype HQ
You can find Loll Designs seating outdoor but also indoor. Just check out Skype's new HQ in North America! The use of Lolls Apple Red Vang and GO Club Chairs are beyond RAD but they fit right in.
Who said that you can't have outdoor lounge seating in the office? Not Skype HQ, they chose the Vang Lounge Chair to add to there outdoor theme in the middle of their office.
Who said that you can't have outdoor lounge seating in the office? Not Skype HQ, they chose the Vang Lounge Chair to add to there outdoor theme in the middle of their office.
If you are looking for something a jiff more contemporary, yet a bit less lounge, then the Loll Designs GO Collection will suit your space well.