Hub Surface Systems
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Durable Crosswalks and Traffic Calming Devices incorporate a specialized preformed thermoplastic material manufactured by Ennis Flint – North America’s largest supplier of roadway markings and paint. TrafficPatternsXD incorporates a unique aggregate-reinforced formula with unpr… Read More
Application of TrafficPatternsXD is a stamped asphalt process done by HUB Recommended Applicators.
TrafficPatternXD is an aggregate reinforced thermoplastic imprinted asphalt system designed to create enhanced crosswalks and traffic calming devices that stand up under high traffic and adverse weather condition.
Application of TrafficPatternsXD is a stamped asphalt process done by HUB Recommended Applicators.
TrafficPatternXD is an aggregate reinforced thermoplastic imprinted asphalt system designed to create enhanced crosswalks and traffic calming devices that stand up under high traffic and adverse weather condition.
Application of TrafficPatternsXD is a stamped asphalt process done by HUB Recommended Applicators.