Design Engineers
Cedar Rapids, IA
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Visual Arts Building
Iowa City, IA
This project provides a new 126,000 square foot home for the University Of Iowa School Of Art to replace the existing studio arts facility that was lost to a flood in 2008. The building will provide studio arts space, including sculpture, metals and jewelry, ceramics, printmaking painting and drawin… Read More
Design Engineers collaborated closely with the architects at Steven Holl and BNIM and the engineers at TransSolar to integrate the mechanical and electrical systems into the design concept for the University of Iowa School of Art building.
The skylight of the four-story atrium winding through the building is enclosed at the top by a large skylight that has a fixed shading device that is designed to admit the optimum amount of daylight while minimizing the amount of solar gain in the atrium area.
Design Engineers worked closely with the users throughout the design process of the exhaust systems. Due to the many different classroom environments in the Studio Arts building, specialty systems needed to be created for each of those environments.
Located on the roof of the University of Iowa's Visual Arts Building is 16,000 square feet of green, energy-efficient roofing.
Design Engineers collaborated closely with the architects at Steven Holl and BNIM and the engineers at TransSolar to integrate the mechanical and electrical systems into the design concept for the University of Iowa School of Art building.